Pilot Briefing

Airfield elevation 625ft. Use Safety Com Frequency 135.480.  Make blind calls using prefix Halwell Traffic. In nil wind use runway 09 to take advantage of upslope. Join from NW entry lane Left Base for 09, Downwind Right Hand for 27. Alternatively join crosswind from South entry lane. You must not overfly the village of Halwell.

Owing to strict planning restrictions a ‘no fly zone’ (shown in red on the map below) exists around the airfield with a north westerly and southerly entry and exit corridor. Aircraft must approach and leave using only these corridors. As the final approach to 09 from the northwest involves a late turn onto final to avoid the village of Halwell, pilots visiting for the first time are advised to fly south of the airfield and approach through the southerly corridor entering the pattern crosswind, thereby enabling them to fully orientate themselves with the runway and view the windsock.  Having entered either corridor the approach to 09 or 27 should then be made according to the 4 approach plates at the bottom of this pilot briefing page.

Please note at certain times of the year there may be sheep, standing crop or farm machinery on the runway and field and extra caution is necessary. Pilots are reminded that at all times of the year they land and take off at Halwell entirely at their own risk.
